Something About Pages Hall

|Source of Photo: Ms. Joanna Filamor|

Pages Hall at Teacher’s Camp, Baguio City 🙂 Quite near our place at the Secretariat but at the same time, quite far.. on the other hand, it seems so close yet so far. 🙂

Pages was new to me since the contest for the Rizal Essay Writing Competition had Pages Hall as it’s venue. My first impression of the hall is like; it seemed quiet, calm, closed, and it is near the woods. So what is this really all about? 🙂 let me share to you a story that happened in PAGES HALL and what the College Delegates of our school experienced, staying at the Hall.

It had been a wonderful day full of activities, games and bonding moments for all the delegates. At 7, everyone had finished eating dinner including us. Then after dinner, we went out of  Teacher’s Camp to tour and enjoy the place. We weren’t aware of what happened that night since we were away. The next morning we heard about something that happened in the Hall and we weren’t expecting that our co-delegates from our school would be the ones who experienced that sort of a creepy event.

That wonderful evening, Our co-delegates were having fun at the Hall. They had a little bit of celebration and played cards as well. Then suddenly after the mini celebration they had everyone slept. Suddenly, one of their colleague was crying and told the teacher in charge that she couldn’t sleep, and at the same time, she was scared to sleep. Then her teacher asked her why she was bothered. Her colleagues woke up and also, were concerned about her. She said she couldn’t sleep because she was scared. She saw a man, with a horrible face, offering her a rose, asking her to come with him. According to her, the man had horns, he was dark in complexion and his face was really horrifying.

Her Teacher and her colleagues were very worried about her. Good thing there was this teacher in the camp, who happens to be a Pastor at the same time. They prayed over her, and of  course for themselves, for their safety, and after their session, they heard a very loud noise of a feet going down the stairs and going out of the Hall. The next day, her colleagues told us they weren’t able to sleep because they just kept on praying. But then again, faith saved them. Faith saved her from evil who was trying to get her.

Goosebumps!! 😀 creepy isn’t it? 🙂