An Old and Simple memory


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Remember a TRIBOND in your English subject which refers to;  jeans, beauty, and memory, identifying what they all have in common? 🙂 then one of your classmates answers the question out loud and says; “They all fade”.

People Change, but Memories don’t. of course! a certified fact, since we all have memories and it never changes because it already happened. But what is in a MEMORY that makes it special and sometimes make it worst? And why did I posted about Memory as a subject? 😀 care to know why? lately, I was thinking about my old memories and part of it was when I was a little younger, especially when I listen to those Old Love Songs. It really brings back those memories I had before.

I remember when I first had an ipod back when I was in Elementary, Grade 5 to be exact. I was so excited to have one, and that my Godmother from the U.S. was the one who bought it for me as a birthday present for my 11th birthday. When my special day finally came, we went to FeDex to get the present because it was sent there. They gave me the box, and I was so excited to open it. When I opened it, inside was just styrofoams, styroballs, a few pieces of papers and nothing more. Everyone inside the office was shocked because there was nothing in it, so as my Aunt and my cousin, and so was I. they told us to conduct a double check but there was nothing in it but styros. I was very disappointed that day. My special day turned out to be disapointing since I was expecting something. They said maybe it was stolen by some kind of thieves during the process. Still I was sad that day,

My Godmother found out hat happened and she guaranteed that she will send me another one, but this time I had to wait because she sent it to my mom, and my mom will be the one who will give it to me when she gets home. Finally when she arrived; it was all worth it, and I had nothing to loose. It had been with me for 5 years now. And even if I have a phone which completes everything when it comes to taking pictures, sending texts, and music; I still use it at times when I want to feel relax and at times when I want to relax. 🙂

There are just times when you see the worth of the things you think that is not that important. Memories help you realize it’s true value and recalling it makes you proud that up until now, it is still present.

“Old Memories.. yes they do fade. you recall it, you forget, but still you’ll carry it with you and be reminded of the things that might be meaningful, unhappy, or just plain and simple ones. The good part is when you recall it, give you thoughts, bring back something that might be unusual, that makes you smile”  🙂

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